Life’s Beautiful

2 min readJul 15, 2021

Humans believe that self-improvement and chasing success and happiness is going to get them somewhere.

That the future is bright and great things are on the horizon.

The Truth is that all their thoughts, actions, and imaginings are time-pass.

Reality is a dimension unrealized.

~ Kapil Gupta (Siddha Performance)

Sajjan Raj Vaidya — Parkhaai

Homo sapiens.

We all have ‘tomorrow’ in our head that trickles down at our everyday ‘present’.

Or, maybe we don’t have it at all.

Either way — plan or no-plan;

Life unfolds in high definition only as it happens.

The Predictability element (the ‘control’ per se) over Life’s equation is merely the mathematics of in-genuine probability.

In all sincerity,

Life’s a database of surprises and ‘sh✱ts’.

Life’s again a never-ending chain of question after question.

Education? Career? Marriage? Children? Retirement? what to eat? what to put on? what to post? what to talk? what to write? … more questions

Not that I haven’t said it before, but it’s also time we cherish the fact that Life’s loss too — for we lose e.v.e.r.y-thing with time;

until we lose ourselves in one final breathe.

I don’t know it’s weird. I so much am in love with the idea of death as much as I love and celebrate life.

Nevertheless, today, let’s mediate on few truths:

Life’s not always sunshine and rainbows. Life’s boring. Painful. Stressful too.

Life’s not always aims, ambitions and hustles. Life’s stillness too.

Life’s not always past stories and memories. Life’s a unique opportunity to live your dreams too.

To soar and to forget too.


Life’s beautiful.

Although life collects enormous dirt — as it passes and withers.


